アフォーダンス - Affordance









Affordance is the "meaning" that the environment gives to animals.It is coined by American perceptual psychologist James J. Gibson and is a fundamental concept of ecology and ecology.It was built from an English margin meaning "giving and providing."

Affordance is different from the conventional concept of perceptual psychology called “stimulation” for animals (organisms). Defined as value.

The concept of affordance originated from the concept of demand character of the gestalt psychologist Kurt Koffka, or from the concept of invitation character or valence of the same gestalt psychologist Kurt Levin.I have stated myself.

In 1988, Donald Norman used affordance in the cognitive psychological study of design to mean “possibility of action” that humans can perceive.The meaning of affordance in this context has come to be used in the areas of user interface and design.

For example, a door without a door knob and with a flat metal piece indicates that the metal piece should be pushed.refer, a chiffon with a pull indicates that it should be pulled.These cans Affordance provides strong clues about how to handle things. be handled without explanation based on experience.